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Every home is a miniature piece and a glimpse of heaven on earth.
If it is not so, there is something seriously wrong with it.


Marriage is God designed and a family is its evidence; a bliss inwardly and a blessing outwardly.

To keep it thus, we cannot but follow God’s manual for marriage on how to do it His way. 

What makes a marriage tick? Commitment. Marriage is a solemn covenant, a union of man and woman committed to a journey of love till death. When marriages lived in the pattern other than what God’s, we miss the mark of making marriage, “ the days of heaven on earth” [Deuteronomy 11:21].


When God said, ‘marriage is honourable in all’ He truly meant it. But then why do we see so many marriages under attack, most or many ending up either in death or divorce? It calls for a serious understanding of what God meant. Marriage is not one of the many things that we must deal with; it is THE ONE THING that we must seriously deal with. 

At Couples' Wallbuilders we gather to seriously study God’s purpose, plan and the pattern for our families on the 4th Sunday of every month at DMLC Sainikpuri, Hyderabad. 
Feel free to join us on an adventurous journey of discovering the joy of marriage. Make your marriage as the days of heaven on earth. Anything less of it, be warned; you are being robbed.  



Come meet your Maker...He alone can make your marriage meaningful.




Couples' Wallbuilders.

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